Contact Us

Vestavia Hills Parks and Leisure Services

Administration: 1090 Montgomery Highway, Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 | 205.978.0166 | Fax 205.978.0174
Aquatic Complex: 720 Waldridge Road, Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 | 205.978.0173

Parks and Leisure Services Staff

Director of Parks and Leisure Services 
Jamie Lee | 205.978.0168 |

Superintendent I – Seniors & Programming 
Sandi Wilson | 205.978.0163

Event Coordinator 
Melinda Burnett |

New Merkel Senior Center Manager 
Melanie Perry |

Administrative Assistant 
Kim Vandergrift | 205.978.0171  |

Please call 205.978.0166 to make reservations for upcoming programs.

Athletic Program Coordinator – Adult Athletics 
Doug Rogers |

Athletic Program Coordinator – Aquatic Complex 
Robbie Dellinger |

Athletic Program Coordinator – Baseball & Softball 
Bevia Robinson |

Athletic Program Coordinator 
Mike Sullivan | 205.978.0167 |

Athletic Program Coordinator
Will Harrington | 205.834.5295 |

Parks and Recreation Board

To view the most recent meeting agendas and minutes, visit and select “Parks and Recreation Board” in the Event Categories dropdown box. Click here to access archived meeting agendas and minutes.

Shelley Gentle | | Exp. 12/31/2025
Liaison with swimming; Aquatic Complex; senior programming

Chad Gay | | Exp. 12/31/2027
Liaison with football (flag); Altadena Valley Park; Cahaba Heights Park; New Merkel Center; senior programming

Danny Marshall | | Exp. 12/31/2024
Liaison with lacrosse; softball; Liberty Park, fields; SHAC, fields & park; park concessions

Kirk McCulley | | Exp. 12/31/2026
Liaison with football (tackle); soccer; volleyball; Boulder Canyon Trail; Byrd Park; Meadowlawn Park; Recreation Center; Parks and Recreation Foundation

Justin Palmore | Exp. 12/31/2028

Ex Officio
Mayor Ashley C. Curry | | Exp. 10/31/2025

Ex Officio/Council Liaison
Paul J. Head | | Exp. 10/31/2025

Parks and Recreation Foundation

For more information, visit

Social Media

Follow us on social media and be sure to tag us in your posts, tweets and photos! Facebook @VestaviaHillsParksandRecreation Instagram @vestaviahillsparksandrec Twitter @VHParks_Rec

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